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Ohio’s House Bill 410 attendance law requires hours of attendance for students to be tracked. The information below outlines the thresholds that trigger school contact or action.  
Any student who is absent with or without legitimate excuse:
  • 38 or more hours in one month
  • 65 or more hours in one school year
  • Note:  Absences documented with a medical note do not count towards the excessive absence thresholds above
School MUST:
  • Notify the child’s parent(s) in writing within 7 days of triggering absence that their child has reached the Excessive Absence threshold
School MAY:
  • Implement other intervention strategies outlined in Board policy/student handbook to support the child/parent in order to improve school attendance
Any student whose absences surpass the habitual truant definition without legitimate excuse:
  • 30 or more consecutive hours
  • 42 hours in a month
  • 72 hours in a school year
School MUST:
  • Within 7 school days of the triggering absence, the school must select members of the absence intervention team
  • Within 10 days of the triggering absence, the student will be assigned to the selected absence intervention team.
  • Within 14 school days after the assignment of the team, the school will develop the student’s Truancy Intervention Plan (TIP).
    • A parent must be invited to collaborate with the design of the Truancy Intervention Plan (TIP); parent participation is extremely important.
  • The school will closely monitor the child’s attendance once the TIP is implemented.
Chronic absenteeism, as defined by the Every Student Succeeds Act, is missing 10 percent or more of the school year for any reasons.  It includes excused and unexcused absences.
Mr. John Melish is the Marysville Exempted Village School District attendance officer.  Mr. Melish collaborates with building administrators in an effort to make sure our students are attending school on a regular basis.  
